Corporate Headshots - It Is In The Eyes

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. Sophia Loren

Almost nothing need be said when you have eyes. Tarjei Vesaas

When photographing people for their corporate headshots, it all starts with the eyes. They are the window to the soul, says Shakespeare, Da Vinci, the philosopher Cicero and, it seems a few others over time. Whoever and whatever the origin, we believe that it to be the absolute truth. And while we, as photographers, are not trying to get down deep like a therapist, we completely agree. What is communicated through the eyes can create the tone for how people see you and what you want your clients to understand about you from your business headshots.

True, communicating your essence through a corporate headshot is a cumulative effort. Face, clothes, posture, etc. all have to look right for your website headshots. We look at the whole 'you' . But the thing we are connecting with, the most important element, the thing that we must get right, is how the eyes look. Chances are, when you come into our studio, we will tell you where to stand, how to hold your body, where to put your hands. The last thing we will tell you is where to look. We are seeing your eyes and figuring out how to capture your spark.

Remember, the goal is to engage clients with your professional headshot. You do this most effectively through eye contact. It is amazing how different people can look from frame to frame depending on their eyes. The number one thing we will want is for people to look into the camera. Some people want something more casual where they are looking off to the side. This can work, but it must have a serendipitous feel. It can also be hard for us mere non-model mortals who might not feel at ease in front of the camera to pull this off. We are always game for trying, but you can expect us to give you several safe options for your website corporate headshot.

So we say, make eye contact with the camera. By doing so, you are engaging with the viewer/the client/your audience.

How To Use Your Eyes In A Corporate Headshot

Communication comes from the eyes. Other facial features compliment this, but what is going on in the eyes is very important. Where are you looking? Are you making eye contact? Are you emoting the kindness of a healthcare provider in your website headshot? Are you telling the world you are a hard core litigator through the steely glare of your corporate headshot? Are you using an introspective gaze of a therapist with your website headshot?

How do you want people to read you? Direct and bold? Then a very direct look into the camera matched with a feeling of ease, but no real smile, is the way to go. Do you want people to know that you will care for them? Perhaps you need something softer and inviting - maybe not a full-on joyful smile, but a friendly grin with a 'Smize' in the eyes is the way to go. See Tyra Banks, America's Next Top Model if you want to know what that looks like.


Let's get this next question out of the way right now. Unless you are Kate Moss, who is said to have perfect facial left/right symmetry, you have some kind of uneveness in your facial features. This is normal, typical and varies in range from one person to the next. The goal is never perfection or absolute symmetry. We love everyone's unique faces and are never trying to make anyone look anything but their best selves in their professional headshots.

Getting Technical How We Create That Corporate Headshot Spark

From a technical point of view, we always want to see a little spark of light in the eye. A tiny dot, or catchlight, reflecting our flash can make an professional headshot look alive. This is something that happens when we fire the camera and the flash goes off. It's different than glare, which is a reflection, usually off of glasses, that can obscure the eyes. It's a small thing but it is one of those details that can make a difference.

Once we have that spark in the eye, we can start to adjust other details. We can look at your smile. Are your eyes saying one thing, but your smile (or non-smile) is saying another? How is your head positioned? We often ask our clients to tilt their head a bit to the left or the right. Often this is a correction for an over-tilt. So many people take their posing cues from Instagram where the flirty head tilt reigns supreme. That is fine for social use. For business portraits, we recommend something more direct and professional.

In Conclusion - The Eyes Make The Corporate Headshot

So much of how you come off in your corporate headshot photos depends on the connection we can make with you. This is why we start with the eyes. We know it is awkward and can feel almost confrontational to look directly down the barrel of a lens, but we are here to make that feel easier. We love to get to a point where we can put our subjects at ease, look into their eyes, and know that we have gotten the most authentic corporate headshot spark.

Safety Standards for The Booth


Your favorite New York Corporate Headshot Photographers are reopening, and many of you are starting to pick up on postponed business photography projects. You can rest assured that The Booth will be ready to carefully and safely serve your needs.

Here is our Coronavirus safety plan:

  1. Small Crew – Reduce exposure by reducing the number of staff we bring on-site. At times this will mean just the corporate headshot photographer. Other times we might need to add an assistant. You will have names and contact information on who to expect.

  2. Masks/Gloves – Our staff will wear masks and gloves.

  3. Social Distancing – The studio will be set up so that the photographer can maintain a 6'+ distance from the subject at all times.

  4. Rules of engagement – Instructions for the shoot will be sent to your team prior to the shoot, explaining what the subject needs to know about how the shoot will run. This will minimize the amount of time the subject will spend in the room with the headshot photographer.

  5. Zero contact – Subjects will not be in physical contact with the portrait photographer or any photography gear. Should there be accidental contact, the photographer will clean the affected item between subjects.

  6. Individualized Scheduling – To eliminate subjects from coming in contact with each other, individual sessions will be scheduled ahead of time via an online scheduling tool to allow for arrival time, shooting time and departure time.

  7. Digital File Delivery – We will deliver files digitally in individualized galleries for image selection. Once subject is done with their shoot, they can leave the room.

  8. Cleaning – Equipment will be disinfected at the end of each day and, at any point throughout the day that it is deemed necessary.

New York corporate headshot photographer

Fear and the corporate headshot

A completely unscientific study based only on our experience tells us that 80-90% of people fear getting their professional portrait taken at work. They worry that they will look bad, that their smile won't be natural, that their clothes won't photograph well, that their hair doesn't look right today.  

You would think with our selfie culture there wouldn't be a person on earth afraid of the camera, but that is not our experience AT ALL.

But we get it. It's awkward to stand in front of a stranger. You have to take instant direction from them - how to stand, where to look, how to move your shoulders and chin – and trust that their goal is to make you look as good as you want to look.

The one compliment we get time and time again is that we put people at ease. It's truly a point of pride with us and truly the best tool we know for getting great headshots.  For each new person, we introduce ourselves and smile. We talk with them to put them at ease. We listen if a subject is uncomfortable and pay attention to their body language. We show them the images so they know they look great or give them an option to jump in for round 2.

There is no longer a need to fear the photographer when you have a team like ours!

Corporate Headshots & Holiday Parties!

It's that wonderful time of year again!

Your employees work hard all year round, an extravagant Holiday Party is a perfect way of showing gratitude. Our booth will bring fun to your party and a fresh look to your New Year's corporate headshot!

Whether it's a still image on a festive background or a gif booth with lots of confetti, this party will be one to remember! Our studio-quality 4x6 prints make great keepsakes too!

Can't go wrong with a Holiday Red Backdrop and a 4ft wreath!

Can't go wrong with a Holiday Red Backdrop and a 4ft wreath!

Bring in the New Year with a fresh look!

Bring in the New Year with a fresh look!